Little City Farm

June 30, 2009

Little City Farm

During the last few years I have certainly become much more aware of, and connected with the ‘green movement’ – especially online. Given the web’s global reach, it is no surprise that I’ve ended up meeting (virtually speaking) lots of like-minded people in other places. As I’ve recently discovered however, I’ve all but ignored many cool people/places that have been sitting on my doorstep all along.

Funny how that works sometimes…

One of these special gems is definitely Little City Farm, a self-described ‘urban homestead’ and ‘eco bed & breakfast’, located in the heart of Kitchener Ontario – in other words, about 15-20 minutes drive from me!

When I first stumbled on their website earlier in the spring, I just couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard about them before. The site is exceptionally well put together – positively bursting with loads of fascinating information and photos. And judging by their news/events notices, this little ‘farm’ is clearly a green hub in the region – where eco types gather for workshops and sales throughout the year.

I made sure to send the folks at Little City Farm a nice note right away, promising to make mention of their site here on the blog. Unfortunately, time got away from me this spring…so here I am.

Better late than never I say!

With my own ‘suburban farming’ efforts now underway, and my increased focus on the local green community, I have little doubt I’ll be spending a lot more time on their website – not to mention, hopefully making a trip over to the farm for one of their events in the near future.


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