No More Free Compost in Waterloo Region?
May 9, 2008
I just came across an article in the Waterloo Chronicle. I thought it was quite interesting, especially considering my recent post about the annual compost giveaway.
I actually didn’t even realize you could get free compost from the landfill any other time apart from the giveaway events, but apparently in the past “excess compost” has been piled near the dump and residents have been free to take it whenever they like.
Here is a excerpt from the article:
Steve Lindt thinks that something stinks about the Region of Waterloo’s waste management strategy — and the lack of a familiar odour this spring is a telling sign.
Lindt, an avid gardener and longtime Waterloo resident, was upset when he discovered that the region isn’t providing free compost at the Erb Street landfill on a daily basis this season.
Last year, excess compost was piled near the dump and citizens could take it away at no cost.
When Lindt visited the landfill this spring, he was told that compost would only be available for free on two designated days instead of every day.
Lindt was disappointed by what he heard, and thinks thousands of other Waterloo gardeners will be perturbed as well.
“I think a lot of people appreciated the service,” he said. And not only was the compost available at no cost, it was high quality, he added.
Lindt had taken between 30 and 40 bushels of compost over the past years, enough to fill his gardens with top-notch compost.
Be sure to check out the full article: Resident says something stinks about the end of free compost
According to the article, regional compost-making takes place exclusively in Cambridge (“where there is a market for the soil”).
This is definitely unfortunate. Perhaps the silver lining is that this will encourage more residents to expand their own backyard composting efforts!
[tags]compost, waterloo, waterloo chronicle, kitchener, cambridge, ontario, landfill, transfer station, composting, gardening[/tags]
Waterloo Region Compost Giveaway – May 10th 2008
May 8, 2008
This Saturday – May 10, 2008 – the annual Waterloo Region Compost giveaway is taking place at the Cambridge Transfer Station & Waterloo Landfill. It runs from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm.
There is a 5 bushel limit. Bring your own shovels and containers.
The compost is of course free (hence the “giveaway”), but please take some non-perishable food items with you when you go since there is a food drive associated with the event.
[tags]waterloo, waterloo region, compost giveaway, compost, cambridge, composting[/tags]
Welcome to
May 8, 2008
Well, this is the first official (non-test) post here on the new site! We are starting to get things rolling here and should be in full swing within a few weeks.
By the way, you’ll notice that I use the term “we” a fair bit on the site. While it is primarily just a ME at the moment, and am working closely with a number of people, and enlisting the help of family and friends as well. So don’t worry – it’s not some kind of multiple personality disorder or anything like that!
Here’s where we (there I go again – haha) stand as far as worms and other products goes…
Currently we have Red Worms (Eisenia fetida) ready to be sold – smaller, orders are preferable for the next couple weeks while I get myself organized a little.
I should be ready to start selling European Nightcrawlers (Eisenia hortensis) before the end of the month (May), but unfortunately just don’t have enough to part with any at the moment.
We are also going to be selling other products from the website, such as worm bins, castings and biodegradable waste bags (the list of products will continue to grow) – hopefully by the end of the month!
As far as ordering goes – for now, please just send me an e-mail to let me know you are interested in making a purchase and we will take it from there.
I’m going to be using Paypal as my payment handler – they have a very secure online payment system. For those who have their own Paypal account it will simply withdraw money from that account, while for those who don’t it simply let’s you pay by credit card (I’m really happy they changed the policy – previously in Canada you had to have a paypal account in order to use it). Just so you know, you won’t see ‘Worm Composting Canada’ on the receipt (issued by Paypal) – it will be ‘Compost Guy’ and/or my name.
As mentioned on the homepage, if you are a U.S. resident hoping to purchase worms please fire me an email. I am working closely with a great supplier south of the border so we are definitely able to help you get your worms.
Ok, that’s all for now! If you have any questions or comments don’t hesitate to get in touch!
[tags]vermicomposting, worm composting, red worms, european nightcrawlers, waterloo region[/tags]