Feeding My Easy Worm Mix System

April 10, 2015

As promised, I shot a new video today showing how I am “optimizing” my food wastes and adding them to the Easy Worm Mix system (again, the one used as an example in the Easy Worm Mix Guide).

It shows my basic chopping process and how I mix the wastes with “living materials” already in the system (remember, Easy Worm Mix comes with a lot of this) to help accelerate the break down process even more.

Based on the success of this system I will actually be showing you how to “split a bin” next week (be sure to look for that post – and other updates – on the blog if you are reading this at a later time). This will leave me with TWO thriving vermicomposting systems – all started from a single bag of Easy Worm Mix!


2 Responses to “Feeding My Easy Worm Mix System”

  1. dermy on April 17th, 2015 4:31 am

    Nice to see Worm Composting Canada back from the dead! Love the new experiments, keep up the great work Bently!

  2. SegRider on July 6th, 2015 6:30 am

    I have been running my scraps through a blender, freezing and thawing, feeding at room temp. Can the freezing kill whatever microbial action has started? I feed watermelon and cantalope raw.
    I did a trench and fill with food and top off with dry shredded newsprint. As the bins filI increase the bedding to cardboard and egg cartons as described. Started in Jan, split 2 bins one again. Just a small operation getting unexpectedly large. I May need to suplement my food as they keep the level just above the castings.Drain holes are covered with that yellow magic wiper sold on TV. Having a great time learning what works.

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